
Reasons to Not Overreact

So, you get your head bit off.  You react.  If you are me, you get hurt and shrink down like a little mouse.  You immediately retreat and search for ways to repair the situation.  Diffusing the situation as soon as possible.  Stopping confrontations.  Your chest burns when there is confrontation.  In your mind, {if you are me} you think - "What the heck? Why are they mad at me?  What a jerk!  He hates me.  Dang it- how did this happen?  I should have done things better.... " and the negative self talk increases.  After I shrink - I pray. {at least I have that going for me... the praying part} If you are my sister, you "freak".  Insults start, bridges are potentially burned as you say things you can never unsay.  You defend your innocence and stand up for yourself determined to not let someone be rude to you without justification.  Nothing is left unsaid, no one is left standing.  When she is done, she fee...
Girl’s nights are essential.   I have decided this.  One would think that every night, in a home of four girls and one boy, would be girls night- but in fact - the opposite is often true.   My husband is very “manly” man - so you can imagine what he ropes his darling little girls in to liking.   We do football games and rodeo and basketball games, we do the history channel, the discovery channel an boy shows -  we don’t often do dinner and movie nights.  Tonight- the girls and I did! We actually set out to go ice skate and get coffee-   Too bad we looked up a rink in a same town, different state and were a little disappointed that we were not able to go skate.   So plan b- pizza and a movie—-  I cannot tell you how much joy I got from this evening.  We laughed, we ate, we enjoyed each other- AND we saw a girl movie in the theater!  Not something that happens... like EVER. God Gifted me an afternoon of my daughters - and them an a...
And.... one more thing - Have You Seen This? pray for your husband I love it- and I needed it!
LIFE.  It's a struggle.  We search for help, we search for direction, we dig deep to make ourselves better.  We are hard on ourselves, and at the same time oblivious to how our choices have huge negative impacts on everything around us.  Please tell me I'm not the only one who has been here! Many times, when I have been at  point where I am just LOST - I remember to turn to God.  "Duh- he knows what I need ...  I will say a little prayer, and open my bible.  That will lead me to the perfect verse for me." Have you ever realized how overwhelming the bible is???  There is seriously A LOT in there!   How does one just sit down to read - and find God's Will for a given situation?  It's tough.  I have read the bible, little by little, a few times.  I am familiar with biblical stories and individuals that we can learn from.  But when I NEED direction, I can never, for the life of me pick something to read- that wil...